Rabu, April 26, 2023

4 Dekade The Jakarta Post (4 Decades of The Jakarta Post)

Versi Indonesia  :

Hari Ini, Genap 40 Tahun alias 4 Dekade, Koran Indonesia Berbahasa Inggris, The Jakarta Post Lahir. Ini Pembuktiannya, Bahwa, Koran Ini Masih Eksis ditengah Gempuran Digitalisasi. Dari Zaman Soeharto hingga Joko Widodo Masih Jadi Presiden RI, TJP bisa Membawa Perubahan Zaman di Negeri Ini, Bukan Kaleng Kaleng. di Tahun 1998, Saat Soeharto Meninggalkan Kursi RI 1, Koran The Jakarta Post langsung Merekam Cerita dan Peristiwa di Masa Reformasi (usianya Mau 1/4 Abad kayaknya) ketika Krisis Ekonomi (Krisis Moneter) Masih ada Sejak 25 tahun Terakhir. Kemudian, Setahun Berselang (1999), Gus Dur (alias Kh. Abdurrahman Wahid) yang Merupakan Tokoh Ulama Terbesar di Indonesia Menjadi Presiden RI, Sementara di 2001, Megawati Soekarnoputri Naik Tahta Kepemimpinan Indonesia Setelah Gus Dur dinyatakan Mundur. Lalu, di tahun 2004, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Jadi Presiden RI Pertama yang Dipilih Langsung Oleh Rakyat dalam Pemilu 2004 dan Terakhir di 2014, Joko Widodo dari Walikota Solo dan Gubernur Jakarta ke Presiden RI ke 7. Hebat Bukan? Ini Waktunya Untuk Mengubah Hidup Demi Sebuah Peristiwa yang Ada. Selamat Ulang Tahun Koran The Jakarta Post ke 40.

English Version  :

Today, even 40 years, aka 4 decades, the English language Indonesian newspaper, The Jakarta Post was born. This is the proof, that this newspaper still exists amidst the onslaught of digitalization. From the Suharto era to Joko Widodo still being the President of the Republic of Indonesia, TJP can bring about changing times in this country, not cans. In 1998, when Suharto left the Republic of Indonesia Chair 1, The Jakarta Post newspaper immediately recorded stories and events during the Reformation Period (I think he was 1/4 of a century old) when the economic crisis (monetary crisis) was still around for the last 25 years. Then, a year later (1999), Gus Dur (aka Kh. Abdurrahman Wahid), who is the largest Islamic figure in Indonesia, became the President of the Republic of Indonesia, while in 2001, Megawati Soekarnoputri ascended the throne of Indonesian leadership after Gus Dur was declared to have resigned. Then, in 2004, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono became the first President of the Republic of Indonesia to be directly elected by the people in the 2004 election and finally in 2014, Joko Widodo from Mayor of Solo and Governor of Jakarta to the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia. Isn't that great? It's Time To Change Life For An Event That Existed. Happy 40th Anniversary of The Jakarta Post Newspaper.

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